Hi, I'm Tina

If you want to create a peaceful learning environment, combat stress, and get a handle on classroom management you're in the right place.

I have spent the last 15 years fine tuning my own classroom environments. In stand alone programs, In standards based programs, in parent cooperative programs and more. Over the years I have learned from my mistakes, and collected data on what works, what doesn’t and how to put it all together in a complete package. And now I am offering my secrets to you!

I know what it’s like to have a classroom that exudes peace, creates confident learners, and is a sanctuary for many.

But it wasn't always this way...

Back up to 2005, I knew 3 days into school something had to change! BUT HAD NO IDEA WHERE TO START! The block center was a war zone, literally! And the library was a place to knock every book off the shelf, step on them while making room for forts. The majority of my class started using the bookshelf as a climbing structure, and there were NO learning centers happening. They threw blocks, broke toys, tore books, and basically had a free-for-all for 6 hours every day. My classroom management was nowhere to be found. My daily social media scrolling or “escaping reality” was starting to hit me in the face!

I went home every afternoon in tears and struggled to come to school each morning. My hair was falling out from stress and my family was struggling because I was exuding constant negativity. My classroom was no longer a place I wanted to be.

I was drowning in classroom management (because I spent my time looking at other teachers highlight reels, not working on intentional environment design) I was stuck and felt all of my “seasoned teacher” tricks were useless!

BUT through intentional design and lots of trail and error while fighting for my own ideas of the perfect learning environment I actually found the teaching spark I had lost.

Don't feel guilty about wanting a Non-Traditional Learning Environment

Cute, Colorful, and Mass Produced don’t equal Intentional, Calming, and Inclusive. Let me help you leave behind the need to be like the rest, and instead embrace your inner Miss Frizzle.

I can help you stop worrying about classroom management, admin expectations, and the burden of increasing overwhelm

If you're anything like me, you want it all right now (but lack the funds to follow through)...

  • Natural Baskets and Containers
  • New Flooring
  • Fresh Paint on the Walls
  • All the plants
  • Brand New Manipulatives
  • A Pinterest Perfect Classroom

That’s why I created The 2 Minute Teacher Style Quiz. To help you get inspiration and style guides (all on a budget) sent straight to your inbox.

Let's Do This!

What most people don’t know is there is a method and formula (beyond what you see on social media) to creating the perfect learning space. There are 5 components to a peaceful classroom, and I’m here to share them with you.

Still not sure this is for you? Read more about how the complete collection or individual components could help you come up with a solution that could help you begin to transform your space today.

In a world where chaos seems rampant, let's create a Peaceful Learning Environment Together

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